Idaho Has Little Voter Fraud.  But the Legislature Wants to Eliminate No Excuse Absentee & Add ID Restrictions Anyway

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:

Ada County Prosecuting Attorney – Boise man sentenced for illegal voting, illegal registration by a voter
Idaho Press – Proposed legislation would prohibit use of student IDs at Idaho voting polls
Idaho Secretary of State – Idaho Declares “Big Lie” Allegations “Without Merit,” Confirms Idaho Election Integrity
Idaho Capital Sun – Idaho House votes to prohibit use of student IDs to verify identity for voting
Boise State Public Radio – You might soon need an excuse to vote absentee in Idaho
Idaho Capital Sun – (2022)  Republican Idaho legislator introduces third bill attempting to change voter registration, ID laws
Democracy Docket – How Republicans Target Young Voters

Groups Taking Action:

AARP Idaho, League of Women Voters Idaho, United Vision for Idaho, Conservation Voters for Idaho

Today’s Script:  (Variations occur with audio due to editing for time)

You’re listening to the American Democracy Minute, keeping YOUR government by and for the people.

In Idaho last year, there was one conviction of an ineligible 70-year-old felon on probation who registered to vote but never voted.   The conservative Heritage Foundation’s database shows another conviction for a 62-year-old man who voted twice back in 2017.   But that seems to be enough evidence for the Idaho legislature to make it harder to vote for everyone, particularly for students, Native Americans, and working citizens.  

Last week, the Idaho House passed HB 124 to remove student IDs as a form of ID for voting.  It does authorize the state to issue a state identification card instead, but additional forms of ID would be limited to an Idaho driver’s license, federal passport or photo ID card, a tribal photo ID card, or a firearms permit.

A House committee also recommended HB 75, which would eliminate the no-excuse absentee voting system in place since 1970, and limit absentee voters to the excuses of disability, illness, work commitments, or being out of state for religious reasons.   

Yet another bill, HB 54, would eliminate student IDs, but also eliminate sworn affidavits in lieu of an ID.  Such restrictions target new voters, poor voters and Native Americans, more frequent users of election day registration.  In three previous sessions, proposed bills would have eliminated Idaho’s election day registration, but have so far failed.  

For links to the bills and an analysis of how such voter ID restrictions are wielded as a targeted voter suppression tool, visit

For the American Democracy Minute, I’m Brian Beihl.