ADM for April 27, 2022: Updates on Redistricting Court Cases in Florida, New York and Kansas

More court cases impacting fair voting districts today. In Florida, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis recently vetoed the legislature's Congressional District map so he could move forward his own. The DeSantis map disassembles a predominately Black district in northern Florida. The lawsuit argues that the map, approved by the legislature just last week, violates the Fair Districts amendment to the Florida constitution, and is biased toward Republicans.

ADM for April 26, 2022: NH Legislature Adopts Gerrymandered NH Senate, Exec Council Maps

The impact of gerrymandering is poised to have an even larger impact on the purple state of New Hampshire.  New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has pledged to veto a Congressional map passed by the legislature which makes the state's two seats uncompetitive – one manipulated to benefit Republicans, the other packed with Democrats. Currently, the state has an all Democrat federal delegation.